Electrical engineering notes

From Reboil



A unit of electric current with symbol A. It is a base SI unit that assumes an electron to have an electrical charge of exactly 1.602176634×10^−19 C. It may be expressed as 1 C/s.
Henry (unit)
A unit of inductance with symbol H. Units are kg*m^2/(s^2*A^2), J/A^2, V*s/A (among others).
Kirchhoffʼs laws
(a.k.a. Kirchhoffʼs circuit laws, Kirchhoffʼs junction rule) A method to deduce voltages and currents in circuits.
Current version: The algebraïc sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is zero. (i.e. The current entering any junction is equal to the current leaving that junction; conservation of charge).
Voltage version: The directed sum of the potential differences (voltages) around any closed loop is zero.
A unit of electric potential with symbol V. Units are kg*m^2/(s^3*A), A*Ω, W/A, J/C
Tesla (unit)
A unit of magnetic flux density with symbol T. Units are kg/(s^2*A), N*s/(C*m), Wb/m^2, J/(A*m^2), V*s/m^2.
Weber (unit)
A unit of magnetic flux with symbol Wb. Units are kg*m^2/(s^2*A), V*s, T*m^2, H*A.


See also

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