
From Reboil

Extropy was a transhumanist magazine founded and edited by Max More with 17 issues published during 1988/1996 with authors such as J. Storrs Hall (6 articles), Nick Szabo (4), Hal Finney (2), Hans Moravec (2), Gregory Benford (2), and Ralph Merkle (2).



Extropy articles
Article Name Author(s) Issue Number
To the Editors John Hospers 2
Review of "Mind Children" Max T. O'Connor 2
Darwin's Difficulty H. Keith Henson and Arel Lucas 2
A Truly Instant Breakfast Steven B. Harris, M.D. 2
Wisdomism Tom W. Bell 2
Nanotechnology News Max T. O'Connor 2
Weirdness Watch Mark E. Potts 2
Editorial Tom W. Bell 3
Forum Various contributors 3
Love as a Contractual Relation Tom W. Bell 3
Love as a Sharing of Values Max T. O'Connor 3
Agapic Love Rob Michels 3
Sexual Information Tom W. Bell 3
Psychedelics and Mind Expansion Max T. O'Connor 3
Editorial Tom W. Bell 4
Forum Jim Stramel, Tom W. Bell 4
In Praise of the Devil Max T. O'Connor 4
Neurocomputing Simon D. Levy 4
Why Monogamy? Tom W. Bell 4
What's Wrong With Death? Max T. O'Connor 4
Reviews of Are You A Transhuman? Mark E. Potts 4
Postscript to "Morality or Reality" Max T. O'Connor 4
Efficient Aesthetics Tom W. Bell 4
Intelligence at Work Max T. O'Connor 4
Editorial Tom W. Bell 5
Forum: Art and Communication John Hospers, Tom W. Bell 5
Leaping the Abyss Gregory Benford 5
Arch-Anarchy A 5
Deep Anarchy Max T. O'Connor 5
I Am a Child Fred Chamberlain 5
Perceptrons Simon D. Levy 5
On Competition and Species Loss Max T. O'Connor 5
A Review of Intoxication Rob Michels 5
Intelligence at Work Max T. O'Connor, Simon D. Levy 5
Extropian Resources Max T. O'Connor, Tom W. Bell 5
The Extropian Declaration Tom W. Bell, Max T. O'Connor 5
Our Enemy, "The State" Max T. O'Connor, Tom W. Bell 5
Editorial Max More 6
Transhumanism: Towards a Futurist Philosophy Max More 6
The Emperor's New Dualism & Extropy Courtesy of Entropy: Book Reviews Simon D. Levy 6
The Opening of the Transhuman Mind MP-Infinity 6
The Extropian Principles Max More 6
The Thermodynamics of Death Michael C. Price 6
The Transhuman Taste: Review of Buying Time MP-Infinity 6
Neurocomputing Part 3 Simon D. Levy 6
Review: A Neurocomputational Perspective Max More 6
Review: Loompanics Greatest Hits Max More 6
Weirdness Watch: Mega Forces reviewed MP-Infinity 6
Letters Various 6
Forum: On Arch-Anarchy Max More, Tom W. Bell, A 6
Review of The Machinery of Freedom Rob Michels 6
Extropian Resources Max More et al. 6
Editorial Max More 7
A Memetic Approach to "Selling" Cryonics H. Keith Henson & Arel Lucas 7
Privately Produced Law Tom W. Bell 7
Order Without Orderers Max More 7
Futuque Neologisms Various 7
Neurocomputing 4: Self-Organization in Artificial Neural Networks Simon D. Levy 7
Forum on Transhumanism Bruce Harrah-Conforth and Max More 7
The Transhuman Taste: Review of Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman Simon D. Levy 7
Review of Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition Simon D. Levy 7
Review of Smart Pills Max More 7
Reviews of Futique Magazines Various 7
Editorial Max More 8
Idea Futures: Encouraging an Honest Consensus Robin Hanson 8
Dynamic Optimism Max More 8
Neurocomputing 5: Artificial Life Simon D. Levy 8
Futuque Neologisms 2 Various 8
Extropia: A Home For Our Hopes Tom W. Bell 8
Human-Transhuman-Posthuman Max More 8
The Transhuman Taste: David's Sling by Marc Stiegler Reviewed by Simon D. Levy 8
The Transhuman Taste: Unbounding the Future by Eric Drexler, C. Peterson & G. Pergamit Reviewed by David Krieger 8
The Transhuman Taste: The Silicon Man by Charles Platt Reviewed by Max More 8
News and Zine Reviews Various 8
Editorial Max More 9
The Extropian Principles (2.0) Max More 9
Extropy Institute (ExI) Launches Max More 9
Persons, Programs, and Uploading Consciousness David Justin Ross 9
Nanotechnology and Faith J. Storrs Hall 9
The Making of a Small World R. Michael Perry 9
Genetic Algorithms (Neurocomputing 6) Simon D. Levy 9
Time Travel and Computing Hans Moravec 9
Futuque Neologisms 3 Various 9
Exercise and Longevity Fran Finney 9
The Transhuman Taste: The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (Tipler and Barrow) Reviewed by David Krieger 9
The Transhuman Taste: The Blind Watchmaker (Dawkins) Reviewed by Simon D. Levy 9
The Transhuman Taste: Economist Against the Apocalyptics (Books by Julian Simon) Reviewed by Various 9
The Transhuman Taste: Bionomics: The Inevitability of Capitalism (Rothschild) Reviewed by Harry Schapiro 9
Editorial Max More 10
Pigs in Cyberspace Hans Moravec 10
Protecting Privacy with Electronic Cash Hal Finney 10
Technological Self-Transformation: Expanding Personal Extropy Max More 10
Mark Miller of Xanadu Interviewed (Pt.1) Dave Krieger 10
Creole Physics and the Credit Theory of Identity J. Storrs Hall 10
Nanocomputers: 21st Century Hypercomputing J. Storrs Hall 10
Extropy Institute News and Information Various 10
The Transhuman Taste: Beyond the Poor Man's Extropianism: A Review of Two Books about Ayn Rand and Objectivism Reviewed by Mark Plus 10
The Transhuman Taste: Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation Reviewed by J. Storrs Hall 10
The Transhuman Taste: Genius – The Life and Science of Richard Feynman Reviewed by Harry Shapiro 10
Editorial Max More 11
Uploading Consciousness Ralph Merkle 11
Extropian Principles 2.5 Max More 11
Traversable Wormholes: Some Implications or, Contact! A Post-Singularity Phase Change Michael Price, Illustrated by Ralph Whelan 11
A Conversation with Mark Miller, Part 2 David Krieger 11
"Bunkrapt": The Abstractions that Lead to Scares about Population and Resources Julian L. Simon 11
The Transhuman Taste: Theories of Everything Peter McCluskey 11
The Transhuman Taste: In Our Own Image: Building an Artificial Person Derek Zahn 11
The Transhuman Taste: Mirror Worlds Harry Shapiro Hawk 11
A Practical Look At Ocean Colonization Bill Eichman 12
The Last Free Place on Earth Tom Morrow 12
Logical Languages: A Path to Posthuman Rationality? Simon! D. Levy 12
The Open Society and its Media Mark Miller, et. al. 12
God and Man at Yale: A Conversation with David Ross, Part 1 David Krieger 12
Forum: Nanarchy (Automated police & defense systems) Hanson, Finney, Szabo, Drexler, Dinkelacker 12
Wormhole Warfare Robin Hanson 12
The Transhuman Taste: Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic Max More 12
The Transhuman Taste: The Children's Machine Harry S. Hawk 12
Boundless Constellations: The Emergence of Celestial Civilization Nick Szabo 13
If Uploads Come First: The Crack of a Future Dawn Robin Hanson 13
Utility Fog, Part 1 (nanotech) J. Storrs Hall 13
Two Questions for Extropians Charles Platt 13
Response to "Two Questions" Max More 13
Souls, Cyberspace, Sins, & Singularity: A Conversation with David Ross, Part 2 David Krieger 13
Neurocomputing 7: Sequential Neural Networks Simon! D. Levy 13
Humor: Ad for Galactomatic-1000 Carl Feynman 13
The Transhuman Taste: The Origins of Order, Self-Organization, and Selection in Evolution Reilly Jones 13
The Transhuman Taste: Good Mood: The New Psychology of Overcoming Depression Max More 13
Utility Fog, Part Two (nanotech) J. Storrs Hall, Ph.D. 14
Evolutionary Architecture and Extropian Consciousness Fred Stitt 14
Lilliputian Uploads Robin Hanson 14
Biotech Enhancement: Prozac – The Next Generation Dr. Ray 14
Methuselah's Kitchen: An Interview with Roy Walford, M.D. (Part One) David Krieger with Max More 14
The Transhuman Taste: The Physics of Immortality (Frank Tipler) Reviewed by Michael C. Price 14
The Transhuman Taste: Morals by Agreement (David Gauthier) Reviewed by Eric Watt Forste 14
The Transhuman Taste: Consciousness: Spontaneous Order and Selectional Systems: Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of Mind (Gerald Edelman) Review essay by Reilly Jones 14
Future Forecasts Gregory Benford, Stephen Bridge, Eric Drexler, FM-2030, Mark Miller, Max More, Nick Szabo 15
Introduction to Digital Cash Mark Grant 15
Thoughts on the Economics of “Digital Money” Lawrence H. White 15
Hayek’s Denationalisation of Money Max More 15
PROFILE: FM-2030 — Pioneering Futurist Various 15
Consciousness: Spontaneous Orders and Selectional Systems Reilly Jones 15
Biotech Enhancement: Melatonin Dr. Ray Sahelian 15
ENIGMA: Squared Deal M.J.P. Wolf 15
Mindsurfing: The Internet Adapter Yow 15
Biosphere 2: Ecological Experiments, Space Habitats, & Long Life: An Interview with Roy Walford, M.D. (Part Two) David Krieger with Max More 15
The Transhuman Taste: The World of 2044 Reviewed by Phil Goetz 15
The Transhuman Taste: The Theory of Free Banking (George A. Selgin) Reviewed by Eric Watt Forste 15
The Transhuman Taste: The Millennial Project (Marshall T. Savage) Reviews by Phil Fraering and Phil Goetz 15
Neuroscience Pioneers: Building Brains Various 16
Intelligent Assistants Various 16
DNA Computers Various 16
Memory and its Improvement Various 16
Imaging the Brain Various 16
Fuzzy Logic & Neural Nets Various 16
Intelligent Information Filters and Enhanced Reality Sasha Chislenko 16
Complacency & Conservation Julian L. Simon 16
Idea Futures on the Web Duane Hewitt 16
Smart Contracts: Building Blocks for Digital Free Markets Nick Szabo 16
Bio-Enhancement Update: Melatonin, pt 2: Dreams like you’ve never dreamed Dr. Ray Sahelian 16
ENIGMA: Murder at the Liar’s Club M.J.P. Wolf 16
Mindsurfing: How the Internet is Like a Baby’s Head Yow 16
The Transhuman Taste: Better Sex Through Chemistry Reviewed by Various 16
The Transhuman Taste: NANO: The Emerging Science of Nanotechnology Reviewed by Various 16
The Transhuman Taste: River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life Reviewed by Various 16
The Transhuman Taste: Dr. Walford’s Interactive Diet Planner Reviewed by Various 16
The Transhuman Taste: Permutation City Reviewed by Various 16
Jamming with the Cosmos: A conversation with astronomer/musician Dr. Fiorella Terenzi Amara Graps 17
Anti-Aging Conference Report Michael Perry 17
Extropy Now! Peter Voss 17
A Critique of Barlow’s “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” Reilly Jones 17
Molecular Robots Prof. Ari Requicha 17
Performance Enhancement and Legal Theory Michael Shapiro 17
The Heat Death of Timothy Leary Max More 17
Nanotechnology Conference Report Ralph Merkle 17
Social Choice and the Fuzzy Tax Form Bart Kosko 17


See also

External links


