I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire

From Reboil

I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! is an isekai light novel series by Yomu Mishima about a man who reincarnated as a feudal count of a planet after living a downtrodden life, made miserable by a demon.


  • Author: Yomu Mishima (ja: 三嶋 与夢; kana: みしま ヨム; hep: Mishima Yomu)

Details (light novel)


Alastair Sera Banfield
(v1c1): Great grandfather of Liam Sera Banfield. A wise ruler who brought prosperity to his subjects.
(v1c1): AI android maid of MC. A gift from Darcie Sera Banfield. Customized by MC before purchase with a curvy buxom figure and the ability to have sex.
(v1c1): A former coworker of MC in their past life. A fan of isekai stories.
Brian Beaumont
(v1c1): Butler of MC. Has served House Banfield for centuries, as far back as Alastair Sera Banfield, whom he remembers fondly.
Cliff Sera Banfield
(v1c1): Father of MC. Took over the planet centuries ago before giving it, and its debts, to MC. Son of eccentric Count Banfield. Grandson of Alastair Sera Banfield.
Count Banfield
(v1c2): Grandfather of MC. An eccentric. Rebuilt the mansion MC would later live in. Son of Alastair Sera Banfield. Plunged House Banfield into debt. Father of Cliff Sera Banfield. Forced debts onto Cliff Sera Banfield and fled to the Capital Planet. Ordered all House Banfield Knights to follow him to the Capital Planet.
Darcie Sera Banfield
(v1c1): Mother of MC. Gifted the android later named Amagi to MC.
Liam Sera Banfield
(v1c1): MC. A boy with black hair and amethyst eyes. In their previous life, a good-hearted man cursed with misfortune by a demon. Son of Cliff Sera Banfield. Grandson of Count Banfield who put originally out House Banfield into debt. Grandson of Alastair Sera Banfield, the most recent competent ruler of House Banfield.
(v1c2): A martial arts showman the Guide manipulated into fulfilling Liam's request for a skilled martial arts instructor.


Imperial Home Planet
(v1c1; a.k.a. Capital Planet): Where MC's parents retire to after burdening him with their debt.


Intergalactic Algrand Empire of the Albareto Dynasty
(v1c1): The host government of MC.
artificial intelligence
(v1c1; a.k.a. AI) Artificial agents that once ran the Empire until a revolution ousted them and taboos raised against AI governance.
education capsule
(v1c1) A device that directly downloads knowledge into a subject submerged in it. Augments physical development of the person as well. Capable of installing a 9-year education within 6 months at the cost of keeping the subject functionally asleep for the duration.


Volume 1 chapter summaries
Chapter Description Characters
Prologue MC is dying in his apartment. The Guide shows him his ex-wife cheated on him, his daughter was not biologically his own, and his wife's lover destroyed his career. The Guide offers to reïncarnate MC; MC chooses a spaceship-themed world. MC dies cursing his wife and wishing for revenge. The Guide removes his malevolent influence from the wife, immediately triggering her own downfall. MC, The Guide, MC's dog's ghost
1 MC awakens in the body of 5-year-old Liam Sera Banfield. His father, Cliff, gifts him House Banfield, planet and all. His mother, Darcie, gifts him and android whom MC customized into a buxom maid. Liam, Cliff, Darcie, Brian, Amagi
2 Liam emerges after a year in an education capsule. Liam is shocked at the poor state of his planet which he cannot make miserable because it is already miserable. Liam consults with Amagi and Brian to reform his planet. Liam orders the reduction in spaceship fleet size and orders reëducation and reform of military personnel. Brian protests at Amagi providing recommendations. Liam requests a personal martial arts instructor in order to train his own body.

The indebted and baseline competent martial arts instructor Yasushi arrives at Liam's planet complaining it is a backwater.

Liam, Magi, Brian, Yasushi
3 Liam trains under Yasushi. Liam cuts down a corrupt official. Bar patrons are impressed and pleased by Liam's rule. Brian trains new staff who are wary of Amagi. Liam, Yasushi
4 Liam discovers how to apply magic to emulate Yasushi's secret technique. Yasushi recommends Liam exclusively study magic for a decade. Yasushi demands Amagi repair Avid, Liam's great grandfather's humanoid mech; Yasushi demands Avid be configured for manual control, forcing Liam to learn to pilot the mech without automatic conveniences. Amagi shares a quiet moment with Avid, asking Avid to take care of Liam for her. Liam, Yasushi, Amagi, Avid



“Exploit my subjects… These people don’t even have anything for me to exploit!”
Liam. Volume 1, Chapter 2.

See also

External links


