
From Reboil
What do you call an illegally parked frog?
A toad.
Three men are stranded on a boat with four cigarettes and no way to light them.
So they toss the fourth cigarette overboard which makes the whole boat a cigarette lighter.
At the age of 65 my grandmother would walk 10 miles a day.
Now, at age 92, we have no idea where she is.
Did you know the Mortal Kombat franchise is based off a Scandinavian folk song?
That's because it's a Finnish Hymn.[1]
It's sad to see the water coming out of my boiling kettle.
It will be missed.[2]

What do you call Bambi with a blindfold?
No eye deer.[3]
What kind of car does a Jedi drive?
A Toyoda.[4]
Why can't you hear a Pterodactyl go to th bathroom?
The P is silent.[5]
Which letter of the alphabet is a pirate's favorite?
You may have thought R[6] but their first love is the C.[7]
Why are skeletons so calm?
It's because nothing gets under their skin.[8]
Why did the kettle go to therapy?
It needed to let off some steam.[9]
What is the best part of Switzerland?
I haven't a clue but their flag is a plus.[10]
Eating clocks is very time consuming.
What does a tick and the Eiffle Tower have in common?
Both are parasites. [11]


  1. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: FINISH HIM!
  2. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Mist.
  3. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: “I have no idea.”. Works better with an English accent that makes “idea” sound like “eye dear”.
  4. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Toyota is an automobile manufacturer. Yoda is a Star Wars character. A Jedi is a space knight-samurai in the Star Wars franchise.
  5. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Pronunciation joke regarding the word “pterodactyl”, a type of winged dinosaur.
  6. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Arrrrrgh, matey!
  7. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: “C” and “sea” are pronounced the same.
  8. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Because skeletons, when they are seen as such, are not made of skin. “To get under one's skin” is a figure of speech meaning to irritate or annoy.
  9. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Kettles, a tool often used to heat water to its boiling point, produce steam. “To let off steam” is a figure of speech meaning to relax or calm down (as if in preparation for calmly talking about one's emotions.
  10. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: “Is a plus” is a figure of speech meaning something is noticeably valuable. The flag of Switzerland literally has a plus-shaped symbol at its center.
  11. Baltakatei: 2023-12-27: Paris sights.