New York 2140

From Reboil

A novel by Kim Stanley Robinson about Manhattan tenants who resist a hostile takeover by corporate America who wrote off their residence buildings and abandoned them decades ago when sea level rise due to global warming caused permanent flooding of Manhattan Island.

Subplots include a 18th century sunken golden treasure hunt in the Hudson River and a financial collapse triggered by bored market traders.


  • Title: New York 2140
  • Author: Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Publication date (hardcover, ebook): 2017-03
  • Publication date (paperback): 2018-03
  • ISBN
    • hardback: 9780316262347
    • audiobook (CD): 9781478972686
    • audiobook (DL): 9781478941224
    • ebook: 9780316262330
    • paperback: 9780316262316
  • LCCN: 2016039922
  • OCLC: 953598586


See also

External links


