The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

From Reboil

Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a planned 2024 Legend of Zelda game for the Nintendo Switch using the Link's Awakening game engine.




A goron and fireworks artist of Goron City.
A soldier of Hyrule. Helps Zelda resolve an extra soldier present in Hyrule Castle Town.
Business Scrub
A Deku scrub that runs a Smoothie Shop chain.
A civilian who masquerades as a Hyrule Castle Town soldier.
Captain of the Gerudo warriors.
Dradd, Boss
Chief of the River Zora. Called by Chief Kushara a “tuneless buffoon”.
A high-ranking Gerudo. Fell into a rift in the Gerudo Desert and was doppelgangered.
Hyrule, King of
Father of Princess Zelda.
A river zora advisor to Boss Dradd.
Jabu-Jabu, Lord
A deity for the River and Sea Zora.
Kushara, Chief
Chief of the Sea Zora.
Lefte, Minister
Blue-haired advisor to King Hyrule?
A sea Zora. Blue.
Seera, Chief
Chief of the Gerudo.
A snow pokey.
Swordsman in green
Saves Zelda from the pink crystal.
A Gerudo guarding the oasis east of Gerudo Town.
A golden floating creature who is surprised that Zelda can see them.
Wright, General
Brown-red haired advisor to King Hyrule? Wears armor.
Zelda, Princess
Main character. Is accused by the fake King of Hyrule of creating the rifts.
Zora, River
Residents of the Jabul Waters.
Zora, Sea
Residents of the Jabul Waters.


Ancestor's Cave of Rest
A rift in the Gerudo Desert.
Crossflows Plaza
A public space on an estuary for both the River and Sea Zora where Lord Jabbu Jabbu normally resides.
Faron Wetlands
A region in SE Hyrule.
Gerudo Desert
Where Tri senses a rift is at after Zelda clears the Suthorn Ruins.
Gerudo Sanctum
Place southeast of Gerudo Town.
Ghoma, Baby
A small spider.
Hyrule Castle
Where King Hyrule and Princess Zelda live.
Hyrule Field
Where dark monsters lurk.
Jabul Waters
Where Tri senses a rift is at after Zelda clears the Suthorn Ruins.
Seesyde Village
A place east of Suthorn Prairie.
Southern Oasis Ruins
A rift in the Gerudo Desert.
Southern Gerudo Desert.
A rift in the Gerudo Desert.
Still World
A place containing things that fell into rifts. Things that fall in here eventually break apart and vanish.
Stilled Suthorn Forest
Inside a rift within the Suthorn Forest.
Suthorn Forest
A forest east of Suthorn Village. Where a strange old man lives.
Suthorn Prairie
Located within Suthorn Forest.
Suthorn Ruins
Located within Suthorn Forest in a rift.
Suthorn Village
A place where an adult was recently lost to a rift. Where Link the swordsman in green is from.
Bottom of the Well (Suthorn Village)
A well.


A temporary duplicate of an object. Can be made with the Tri Rod.
Monster fang
A tooth.
A leftover of a monster the remains after it is killed. Permits creation of an echo of the monster with the Tri Rod.
Sword of Might
Linkʼs sword that Lueburry made to kill the blue monster.
Tri Rod
A staff that Tri gave to Zelda. Gives the power to create Echos of certain objects.


bubble kelp
chilly cactus
electro apple
Recovers 1/4 heart. A green apple.
floral nectar
Recovers 1/4 hearts but more effective when mixed with a drink. Price 30 Rp.
golden egg
Recovers 2 hearts. “Rare egg with a golden gleam. When used in a drink, it may greatly boost the effect of other ingredients.”. Obtainable via BotW Guardian Amiibo.
Recovers hearts but more effective when mixed with a drink.
piece of heart
Four will permanently increase health by 1 heart. Price: 80 Rp.
radiant butter
red potion
Recovers 5 hearts. Price: 30 Rp.
rock salt
twisted pumpkins
warm pepper
50 Rp. Gerudo Town.


An animated statue. Vulnerable to bombs.
A scorpion.
Ball-and-Chain Trooper
A bird that calls out targets.
A laser turret.
Bio Deku Baba
Underwater deku ababa in Jabul Ruins.
Boarbin, Boomerang
A bipedal boar with a boomerang.
Boarblin, Club
A bipedal boar with a club. Lv. 2 is red.
A fish with a bomb in its mouth.
Buzz Blob
A walking green blob charged with electricity.
Shrak. In the Jabul ruins.
An armored axe-wielding warrior.
Deku Baba
A piranha plant.
A singing frog.
Mummy. Lv. 2 is black.
Goo Specter
A slime with hands.
A bird.
A sphere that blows air in all horizontal directions.
A beetle with mushrooms.
A mole.
A slime.
A fire-candle slime?
A bat-like monster.
Keese, Ice
An ice keese.
snow-dwelling spinny thing
Moblin, Spear
A bipedal boar-like monster wielding a spear.
Moblin, Sword
A bipedal boar-like monster wielding a one-handed sword.
Octo, Fire
A fire octorok.
Octopus that spits rocks.
Beyblade in Gerudo sanctum entrance.
Flying plant.
Piranha fish.
Piranha, Sand
Sand fish of Gerudo Desert.
Sand Crab
Sea Urchin
A black sphere with eyes and spikes.
Seismic Talus
A large talus.
A spider
A fish
Torch Slug
Fire slug. In Eldin region.
A tornado-producing enemy of Gerudo Desert.
A small talus.
Wizzrobe, Electric
An electric teleporting wizard.
Flying mushroom. Throws bombs.
A slime-like creature.


Main Quests


A swordsman in green saves Princess Zelda from a blue monster, defeating the beast in battle. After dispersing in a cloud of purple smoke, the beast's double-spear weapon activates and creates a rift that consumes the space around it, including the swordsman. Before completely succumbing to the rift, the swordsman fires an arrow at the pink crystal containing Zelda. Princess Zelda emerges from the crystal by shattering it. Zelda picks up the swordsman's discarded cape. The rift suddenly begins growing. Zelda escapes from the rapidly growing rift by following a golden point of light that suddenly appears. Accompanied by guards who find her, Zelda returns to Hyrule Castle to meet with her father. There, Zelda meets Impa, an old woman who is her caretaker.

Zelda meets with her father, King Hyrule, as well as two advisors: General Wright and Minister Lefte.[cmt 1] King Hyrule explains that the rifts have been appearing for some time across the land and are known to capture people who fall into them. During the meeting, King Hyrule and his advisors say they typically have only lost children to them but lately some adults have been lost to them. A guard appears and informs them that more rifts have been appearing, saying someone from Suthorn Village was swallowed up by one. He also says dark monsters are attacking people in Hyrule Field. King Hyrule orders Minister Lefte to investigate a way to save those who have fallen into the rifts; he also orders Minister Wright to organize a battalion to confront the monsters.

Before Wright or Lefte could take action, a rift suddenly opens at the King's throne, engulfing the King and his two advisors. The King pushes Zelda to safety before he falls into the rift. Immediately after, several dark forms emerge from the rift and take the shape of the King, Wright, and Lefte. The doppelganger King orders Zelda imprisoned for the crime of creating the rifts. The doppelganger Wright and Lefte back up the fake King and Zelda is taken away.

Tri visits Zelda in jail, saying they had been captured by the blue monster. Tri says the King has ordered Zelda's execution. Tri says the King and the two others who reëmerged from the rift after falling into it seemed weird. Zelda calls them imposters. Tri gives Zelda the Tri Rod which can create Echos of certain objects. Zelda uses this power to sneak out of jail. After sneaking past some guards, Zelda runs into Impa who believes Zelda's story that the King, Wright, and Lefte are imposters. Impa cannot see Tri. Impa urges Zelda to escape. Zelda dons the swordsman's discarded cape to conceal her identity.

The Mysterious Rifts

A rift appears behind Zelda as she escapes along a secret passageway Impa told her to follow. A rift appears behind her. Tri mentions that her job along with others like her was to repair the rifts; however, Tri says the rift behind them is too large for her to repair. The rift grows suddenly and Zelda is forced to dive into an underground water.

Zelda awakens on a shore in Suthorn Beach. She encounters a Zol monster which she kills by creating a rock echo which she throws at the monster. Zelda learns to create an echo of the monster by the shimmer it left behind.

Zelda travels east to find Suthorn Village where an older man says he wishes Link, their talented swordsman were back from their journey. The man says Suthorn Village cannot ask Hyrule Castle for help because the way back to Hyrule is blocked by a rift. Also, a villager has fallen into a rift.

Tri hears their colleagues inside a nearby rift within the Suthorn Forest. Zelda enters a rift with Tri. Tri says things and people that enter the rift stop moving and eventually vanish. Zelda and Tri find some frozen people within the rift.

Zelda enters the Suthorn Ruins which have fallen within the rift. Zelda navigates the ruins, gaining several echos of monsters including a spider and a candle slime. Zelda encounters an imposter version of the swordsman who saved her. Zelda defeats the imposter and gains the sword it was carrying. Zelda gains the ability to temporarily transform into a swordswoman with higher jump height, shield, and the sword. Eventually, she and Tri face and defeat a Talus. Afterwards, many of Triʼs colleagues emerge from the Talus. The colleagues say they could not fix the rift since they were trapped inside the Talus. Tri and their colleagues restore the rift in the Suthorn Forest.

Outside, Zelda encounters Minister Lefte. Lefte guides Zelda to Lueburry, an eccentric engineer in the Suthorn Forest. Lueburry notices Zelda is wearing the cloak of the swordsman Link whom he was in a hurry to help. Zelda explains her story. Lueburry intoroduces himself as Lueburry, Impaʼs older brother. Lueburry explains the sword Link wielded was the Sword of Might. He offers to upgrade it for Zelda. Tri rises into the sky to find more rifts; they report two: one to the southwest in the Gerudo Desert and another to the northeast in the Jabul Waters.

Searching for Everyone

After talking with Lueburry, Zelda sets out to explore the Gerudo Desert and Jabul Waters to see if they can find General Wright and Link.

After closing rifts in the Gerudo Desert and the Zora Cove, Zelda recovers General Wright.

A Rift in the Gerudo Desert

Zelda enters the Gerudo Desert from the north after using beds and trampolines to climb cliffs. She explores Gerudo Town but cannot enter due to guards not permitting her in. Zelda explores the nearby desert. Tri notices an entrance to a rift in the desert but its entrance requires cooperation with a nearby Gerudo guard. Zelda finds Dohna, captain of the Gerudo guards under attack by monsters. Zelda rescues Dohna. Dohna says the monsters have been emerging since the Sanctum fell into a rift. Zelda says she can remove the rift if she can access the Sanctum. Dohna says the Gerudo sealed the sanctum in order to reduce the flow of monsters from it. Dohna says, in exchange for Zelda saving her life, she will ask the Chief Gerudo to give Zelda access to the Sanctum.

Zelda meets with Chief Seera, advisor Facette, and Dohna at Gerudo Town's throne room. Facette says Zelda is not to be trusted and the original plan should be followed which is to to eradicate all monsters around the Sanctum before unsealing it. Dohna vows that Zelda will clear the rift since Zelda saved her life. Tri privately says to Zelda that the monsters will not stop flowing from the Sanctum until the rift is sealed.

Zelda helps Gerudo warriors secure several rifts. Zelda enters central rift. Zelda defeats the boss, a large mole. The advisor to the Gerudo chief was an imposter.

The Jabul Waters Rift

Zelda travels to visit the Sea Zora's city. There, she learns that Lord Jabbu-Jabbu has gone wild and the Sea Zora cannot placate him with their music as usual. Zelda also learns that there was a falling-out between the Sea Zora and River Zora chiefs, namely between Chief Kushara and Chief Drudd respectively.

After clearing up problems caused by Lord Jabu-Jabu in the River Zora Village and Zora Cove, Zelda, Boss Dradd, and Chief Kushara return to Jabu-Jabu's Den to find the large sea creature deity returned. They play music to open the entrance. They find Lord Jabu-Jabu inside. After requesting that Jabu-Jabu return their advisors, Inawa and Rogma, that he swallowed, Jabu-Jabu refuses to coöperate. Tri notices that Jabu-Jabu is likely an imposter. Boss Dradd agrees with Tri that Jabu-Jabu has been acting very suspiciously. Chief Kushara is confused since she cannot see Tri; Tri comments that, again, Dradd seems to be able to see Tri because he fell into a rift.

Chaos At the River Zora Village

Zelda followed the two Zora chiefs who took pursuit after Lord Jabu Jabu after he swallowed their advisors. After arriving at the River Zora Village, Zelda finds that Lord Jabu Jabu pushed a child and their father towards a rift. Boss Dradd saved the boy but fell into the rift himself. Tri opens an entrance for Zelda to enter the rift. Zelda frees some of Tri's colleagues who then repair the rift. Chief Kushara plays soothing music to the freed father. Boss Dradd compliments Chief Kushara and then expresses gratitude toward Zelda, although he does not completely recognize the name. A river Zora appears and tells Chief Kushara that Lord Jabu-Jabu has appeared in the Zora Cove. Both chiefs depart to see Lord Jabu-Jabu.

Rampage in Zora Cove

Zora follows directions from bystanders who saw Jabu-Jabu race south from the River Zora Village. Zelda ends up at a cave entrance on an island SE of Crossflows Plaza where she finds Boss Dradd attempting to clear rubble that caved in, trapping Chief Kushara after she entered a cave to rescue a child. Zelda finds a separate entrance into the cave along a route full of monsters. Zelda finds Kushara and the child inside the cave. Zelda uses Tri's power to move a rock blocking the entrance. Shortly after, Boss Dradd enters. Dradd plays a song to help cheer up the lost child. Kushara compliments Dradd's music. Kushara and Dradd both decide to be more forgiving of one another. They then decide to visit Lord Jabu-Jabu's Den to see if he is resting after expending so much energy moving himself around.

Side Quests

Up A Wall

Save a Hylian, named Verley of Suthorn Village, who is trapped on a wall by monsters in Suthorn Prairie.

The Blocked Road

Clear a path through a valley in Suthorn Prairie.

Elusive Tumbleweeds

Bring tumbleweed echo to a Gerudo in Gerudo Town. Do so with Tri (X).

Tornado Ghosts

Show a tornando to a Gerudo in Gerudo Town.

Gerudo Tag Training

Chase Gerudo and trap them with blocked paths.

The Flying Tile

Bring back a flying tile for Tormali in Gerudo oasis.

Recipes, Please

Give business scrub 10 smoothie recipes.

Runaway Horse

Find lost horse west of Hyrule Ranch. Horse is in center of pond.


See also

External links




  1. Baltakatei: 2024-09-26: A pun on “left” and “right”.