Thunderbird notes

From Reboil

This page contains notes for using Mozilla Thunderbird.



Enable external GnuPG interaction (e.g. for smartcards and externally generated subkeys)[1]

  • Open the config editor (bottom of Edit -> Settings -> General)
  • Change preference name mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg from false to true
  • Enter “Add Key” dialogue (Edit -> Account Settings -> (some account) -> End-To-End Encryption -> OpenPGP -> Add Key…)
    • Select “Use your external key through GnuPG (e.g. from a smartcard)”[cmt 1]. Click the “Continue” button.
    • Enter your primary key long ID in hexadecimal (e.g. A0A295ABDC3469C9) into the “Secret Key ID” box.
    • Press the “Save key ID” button.
  • Add your public key
    • In command line, run $ gpg --export --armor --output $HOME/mypubkey.asc -- 0xA0A295ABDC3469C9 . Copy to your clipboard the resulting text from -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- to -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----, inclusive.
    • Open the “OpenPGP Key Manager” (Edit -> Account Settings -> (some account) -> End-To-End Encryption -> OpenPGP -> OpenPGP Key Manager)
    • Edit -> Import Key(s) from Clipboard
    • If asked the question “Do you accept this key for verifying digital signatures and for encrypting messages, for all shown email addresses?”, select “Accepted (unverified)”.
    • Click “Import”.
    • In the OpenPGP Key Manager, make sure none of your expired keys from previous import operations are present (narrow columns or widen window to see the “Expiry” column).
  • Restart Thunderbird (make sure to close all drafts and windows)
  • When drafting a new message, enable digital signing by clicking the “OpenPGP” dropdown button, then making sure “Digitaly Sign” is has a check mark.


See also

External links




  1. Baltakatei: 2024-08-29: Note, this option will not appear unless the mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg setting is true.