Useful CLI commands
These are mostly Debian GNU/Linux command line interface commands.
Linux kernel stuff
Flush cache.[1]
$ sudo sh -c "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
Part of the colorized-logs Debian package.
Remove color codes from text.[2]
$ ansi2txt < ./input.txt > ./output.txt $ cat input.txt | ansi2txt > output.txt # alternate method with pipes
example that searches file.txt, highlighting “2023” in color.
$ grep --color=always -- "2023" file.txt # view with color $ grep --color=always -- "2023" file.txt > results_color.txt # store with color-codes $ ansi2txt < ./results_color.txt > ./results_nocolor.txt # strip color codes
Show details of any package, installed or not.
$ apt show [package-name] $ apt show gpg # example
Check which packages depend on package package-name
$ apt rdepends package-name
Install upgrades without prompts[4]
$ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt upgrade -y
Calculate MD5 checksum of a binary file.[5]
$ openssl md5 -binary foo.txt | base64 # with openssl and base64 $ md5sum --binary foo.txt | cut -d' ' -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 # with md5sum, xxd and base64[6]
Check if $stringA
comes alphabetically before $stringB
using current locale.
$ if [[ "$stringA" < "$stringB" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi;
Search find
results with grep
using the exit code from a statement evaluated by the built-in if
$ mkdir a; $ touch ./a/foo.txt $ touch ./a/bar.txt $ if results="$(find . -type f | grep 'foo')"; then printf "Found:\n%s\n" "$results"; else printf "Found nothing.\n"; fi; Found: ./a/foo.txt $ if results="$(find . -type f | grep 'baz')"; then printf "Found:\n%s\n" "$results"; else printf "Found nothing.\n"; fi; Found nothing. $ if results="$(find . -type f | grep '.txt$')"; then printf "Found:\n%s\n" "$results"; else printf "Found nothing.\n"; fi; Found: ./a/bar.txt ./a/foo.txt
Use modulo integer math to print the integers between 0 and 100 that are divisible by 5.
#!/bin/bash for ((i=0; i<=100; i++)); do if [ $((i % 5)) -eq 0 ]; then echo $i fi done
Count the number of occurrences of a single ASCII character (e.g. ,
) (see ref)
#!/bin/bash var="text,text,text,text" res="${var//[^,]}" echo "$res" echo "${#res}"
Quotation rules
How to insert a single apostrophe into an already single-apostrophe-quoted string.
$ echo "You can't do it easily" | sed -E -e 's/can'\t/can/' # sed example You can do it easily.
Bash input/output
Provide string to a command via stdin. The following are equivalent.
$ echo "666" | sed 's/6/7/g'; # Uses pipe format. 777 $ myVar="666"; sed 's/6/7/g <<< "$myVar"; # Uses “here string” format.[7] 777
Supply the first line of a text file as an argument.
$ fpass=/dev/shm/password.txt; # create file $ touch "$fpass" && chmod 700 "$fpass"; # set to user-only permission $ echo "hunter2" > "$fpass"; # save password to file $ echo "$(head -n1 "$fpass")"; # read contents of file as argument
Bash job management
Push job into background.
^Z # (i.e. Ctrl-Z) [1]+ Stopped git tag --sign 2023-04-15 -m "SignStamp state" 6e31b1a
Get a list of current background jobs
$ jobs [1]+ Stopped git tag --sign 2023-04-15 -m "SignStamp state" 6e31b1a
Restart a job (e.g. one with jobspec
1) in the background and check that it is running.
$ bg 1 [1]+ git tag --sign 2023-04-15 -m "SignStamp state" 6e31b1a & $ jobs [1]+ Running git tag --sign 2023-04-15 -m "SignStamp state" 6e31b1a &
Detach a job (e.g. one with jobspec
1) from the current shell to permit safe exit without terminating the job.
$ disown %1
Bash string manipulation
See Manipulating Strings.
Replace substring in variable.[8]
$ myVar="foobarbaz"; $ echo "${myVar/bar/qux}"; fooquxbaz
Get first 7 characters of a string.
$ myVar="deadbeef"; $ echo "${myVar:0:7}" deadbee
Get last 4 characters of a string.
$ myVar="deadbeef"; $ echo "${myVar:(-4)}"; beef
Lowercase characters in a variable
$ myVar="fooBARbaz"; $ echo "${myVar,,}"; foobarbaz
Array manipulation
Declare an array. (usually not needed, but good practice; not an “associative array”)
$ declare -a my_array
Store lines into an array. (Requires Bash version 4 or above)
$ mapfile -t my_array < <(find "$HOME" -type f) # store file list $ mapfile -t my_array < <(seq 1 10) # store the integers 1 through 10
Store lines into an array without mapfile
and process substitution (< <(...)
); compatible with Bash 3.
while IFS='' read -r line; do my_array+=("$line"); done < <(find "$HOME" -type f);
Check contents of an array in verbose style. (or any Bash variable)
$ declare -p my_array
Get count of array elements. (works even after you unset
an array element)
$ echo "${#my_array[@]}" # note the “#”
Get array indices (each array element as a word; useful for for
$ echo "${!my_array[@]}" # note the “!”
View a particular element of an array by index (Note: zero-indexed)
$ printf "%s\n" "${my_array[1]}" # display second element $ echo "${my_array[1]}" # mostly the same, but beware special escaped character cases
View all elements of an array, printing one line per array element.
$ printf "%s\n" "${my_array[@]}"
Act on each array element sequentially in a for
for i in "${!my_array[@]}"; do printf "%s\n" "Checking element ${i} of ${#my_array[@]}."; done;
Remove a particular array element by index.
$ unset my_array[1] # remove second element.
Declare an associative array. (i.e. an array that uses strings as indices)
$ declare -A myaa #みゃあ
Add an element to an associative array. (various styles)
$ myaa["september"]="7"; $ myaa["october"]=8; $ my_month="december"; my_var="10"; myaa["${my_month}"]="${my_var}";
Check contents of an associative array (same as for any Bash array)
$ declare -p myaa $ declare -p my_array myaa # check two variables at the same time
Evaluate math expressions
$ echo "scale=12; 1 / 1.61803398875" | bc -l # division with 12 decimal places .618033988749 $ echo "scale=6; l(2.718281)" | bc -l # logarithm with only 6 decimal places .999999
Homebrew is a package manager for macOS.
Install via script and curl (simple, but sketchy method available at ):
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Update packages
$ brew update
Get info on a package
$ brew info coreutils
Install a package
$ brew install coreutils
Test package commands
$ gdate -Is # Equivalent to Debian 12 `$ date -Is`. 2024-10-08T20:03:18+00:00
Command-line interface for ebook manager Calibre
List all books in author; title
format with jq.
$ calibredb list --for-machine | jq -r '.[] | "\(.authors); \(.title)" ' | sort
Remove read, write, and execute permissions for others to a file or directory named foo
# chmod o-rwx foo
Add read and execute permissions for group to a file or directory named foo
# chmod g+rx foo
Make all directories openable (i.e. executable) by user starting at a directory named bar
# find ./bar -type d -exec chmod u+x \;
Make all files non-executable by everyone within a directory named bar
# find ./bar -type f -exec chmod ugo-x \; # find ./bar -type f -exec chmod -x \;
Make a file named foo
executable for user, group, and others (i.e. everyone).
# chown +x foo
Get OOM score for process with PID 1
$ choom --pid 1
List the bottom 50 processes in the OOM priority list (during low memory, the bottom is killed first).
$ printf "pid,ooms,name\n"; while read -r line; do pid="$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)"; name="$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f11-)"; ooms="$(choom -p "$pid" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$" | head -n1)"; printf "%9d,%4d,%s\n" "$pid" "$ooms" "$name"; done < <(ps aux | tr -s ' ' | tail -n+2) | sort -k2 | tail -n50
Change ownership of a file or directory named baz
to user debuser
and group debuser
# chown debuser:debuser baz
Change ownership of all files and directories contained within the directory named foo
to user debuser
and group debuser
root@h: chown -R debuser:debuser foo
The following commands assume the package chrony is installed.
Get a list of NTP refclocks being used to adjust local time:
$ chronyc sources
Get current machine's statistics (e.g. get Frequency or how slow or fast local clock is)
$ chronyc tracking
See #ImageMagick
may be used to print lines of standard input into columns (to reduce the total number of lines) or to create tables with custom delimiters (same number of lines). Part of the util-linux
package (version 2.39.3
) in Debian systems.
Reduce number of rows.
$ seq 1 10 # example multi-line input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ seq 1 10 | column; # minimze rows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ seq 1 10 | column -c 30 # reduce rows to width of 30 characters 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 4 8
Display text table with separator /
$ printf "foo/bar/baz\nbi/boo/tax\n" foo/bar/baz bi/boo/tax $ printf "foo/bar/baz\nbi/boo/tax\n" | column -t -s'/' foo bar baz bi boo tax
Display /etc/passwd
contents (which uses :
as separator)
$ sudo cat /etc/passwd | column -t -s ':'
Edit crontab.
$ crontab -e
Print crontab to stdout:
$ crontab -l
$ crontab -r
Print to stdout the crontab
of user www-data
via user root
$ sudo su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "crontab -l"
Get details on a volume encrypted with LUKS
$ cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/$some_volume
where $some_volume
is the name of an encrypted volume. Reference.
Select second field in comma-delimited CSV file file.csv
$ cut -d',' -f2
Select second field in tab-delimited TSV file file.tsv
$ cut -d$'\t' -f2 file.tsv
Select fields 3 through 7 in comma-delimited CSV file.
$ cut -d',' -f3-7 file.csv
Note: Assumes GNU date.
Print today's calendar date in ISO 8601 format
$ date -I $ date -Id $ date +%Y-%m-%d
Print current date and time in ISO 8601 format to second resolution.
$ date -Is # e.g. 2024-02-01T05:44:58+00:00 $ date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z # e.g. 2024-02-01T05:44:58+00:00
Print current date and time in ISO 8601 format to second resolution with minimal separators. (e.g. for file name use)
$ date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z # e.g. 20240201T054458+00
Print current UNIX epoch. (i.e. integer seconds since 1970-01-01.)
$ date +%s
Print all calendar dates for the next 365 days. (e.g. 2024-02-01\n2024-02-02\n2024-02-03\n…
#!/bin/bash today="$(date +%s)"; n=0; for dia in {0..365}; do day="$((today + dia * (24*60*60) ))"; date --date="@$day" "+%Y-%m-%d"; done;
Read every block of a block device /dev/sdb
in 4 KiB increments.
$ sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/random bs=4k
Create a 10 MiB file containing pseudorandom noise using 2 MiB of RAM at a time.[9]
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=sample.txt bs=2M count=5
Get public IP address[10]:
$ dig +short $ dig +short txt ch whoami.cloudflare @ $ dig TXT +short
List available kernels.
$ dpkg --list | grep -- linux-image
Check which package owns a file.
$ dpkg -S /etc/systemd/logind.conf # by file path $ dpkg -S "$(which zdump)" # by command name, e.g. `zdump`
Add a locale in Debian-based systems that use dpkg.
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
- Navigate menus to select the local. Recommended: locales ending in
(English of United States),zh_CN.UTF-8
(Chinese of mainland China),id_ID.UTF-8
(Indonesian of Indonesia),ja_JP.UTF-8
(Japanese of Japan),ko_KR.UTF-8
(Korean of South Korea).
Show system stats, averaged every 60 seconds per line
dstat --time --load --proc --cpu --mem --disk --io --net --sys --vm 60
Show system stats, averaged every 60 seconds per line
dool --time --load --proc --cpu --mem --disk --io --net --bytes --sys --vm 60
See Emacs notes
Note: Consider using BK-2020-03bkphotorights
script to add XMP data with Creative Commons attribution data.
List all EXIF data, including XMP tags.
$ exiftool file.jpg
Remove all EXIF data from photograph files
$ exiftool -all= file.jpg
Remove only GPS EXIF data from JPG (see )
$ exiftool -gps:all= file.jpg
remove only GPS EXIF data from JPG If GPS is in XMP:
$ exiftool "-gps*=" file.jpg
Rotate image via EXIF tag[11]:
$ exiftool -Orientation#=1 file.jpg # Horizontal (normal) $ exiftool -Orientation#=2 file.jpg # Mirror horizontal $ exiftool -Orientation#=3 file.jpg # Rotate 180 $ exiftool -Orientation#=4 file.jpg # Mirror vertical $ exiftool -Orientation#=5 file.jpg # Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW $ exiftool -Orientation#=6 file.jpg # Rotate 90 CW $ exiftool -Orientation#=7 file.jpg # Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW $ exiftool -Orientation#=8 file.jpg # Rotate 270 CW
Fight Fake Flash (F3) is a utility for detecting fake flash storage drives.[12]
$ sudo apt install f3
Run on drive mounted at /media/baltakatei/myusb
$ f3write /media/baltakatei/myusb
$ f3read /media/baltakatei/myusb
Encode h264 video for compatibility with Firefox.
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 # higher quality $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 26 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 # smaller size
Extract clip with time codes.
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:00.000 -to 00:03:00.000 -avoid_negative_ts 1 output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:00.000 -to 00:03:00.000 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -avoid_negative_ts 1 output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 60 -t 120 -avoid_negative_ts 1 output.mp4
Extract frame of video to save as PNG file (e.g. the first frame).
$ ffmpeg -i input.webm -ss 00:00:00 -frames:v 1 output.png
Extract album artwork from one of the original audiobook mp3 files. (see Audiobook transcoding notes.)
$ ffmpeg -i How\ To\ -\ Track\ 001.mp3 -an -vcodec copy album_artwork.png
Quality of life
Hide verbose configuration banner. (e.g. built with gcc 11… configuration: --prefix=/usr…
$ ffmpeg -hide_banner
Encode video
Encode video using VP9 codec with 2 passes and tile-based multithreading.[13]
#!/bin/bash fin=input.mkv; ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$fin" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -row-mt 1 -b:v 0 -crf 18 -pass 1 -f null /dev/null && \ ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$fin" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -row-mt 1 -b:v 0 -crf 18 -pass 2 "${fin%.mkv}.webm"
Specify a constant rate factor (CRF)
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a copy output.mp4
Clip a video at CRF 18 and encode audio to OPUS.
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:00.000 -to 00:03:00.000 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a libopus -b:a 128k -avoid_negative_ts 1 output.mp4
Process multiple videos in a Bash while loop. (Avoid stdin conflict with -nostdin
while IFS= read -r file; do ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$file" -c:v libx264 -c:a aac "${file%.avi}".mkv done < <(find . -name '*.avi')
Apply video filters
Create a 1-minute 60 fps time lapse video from 3 hours of 30 fps input.
- From videos, create a file list then run
on the list.
$ for f in ./*.MP4; do echo "file '$PWD/$f'" >> filelist.txt; done
- Create the 60 fps (
-r 60
) timelapse of 3 hours reduced into 1 minute. Thesetpts
factor is equal to(duration out)/(duration in)*(fps out)/(fps in)
. So,(1*60)/(3*60*60)*(60/30) ≈ 0.01111
$ ffmpeg -nostdin -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -vf "setpts=0.01111*PTS" -an -r 60 output_timelapse.mp4
Apply a temporal median filter across a radius of 10 frames.[16]
$ ffmpeg -f -i input.mp4 -vf "tmedian=radius=10:planes=15:percentile=0.5" -an output.mp4
Apply both a time lapse and a temporal median filter for several .MP4
$ for f in ./*.MP4; do echo "file '$PWD/$f'" >> filelist.txt; done; $ ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -vf "setpts=0.01111*PTS, tmedian=radius=10:planes=15:percentile=0.5" -an -r 60 -crf 30 output_timelapse_crf30_median.mp4
Split a video file into roughly equal segments
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -segment_time 00:20:00 -f segment -reset_timestamps 1 output%03d.mp4
Combine video files into a single file
# this is a comment of the file named mylist.txt file '/path/to/file1.wav' file '/path/to/file2.wav' file '/path/to/file3.wav'
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.wav
Add subtitles to a video file
Add multiple ASS subtitle files to a single MP4 video file.[17]
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \ -sub_charenc 'UTF-8' -f ass -i input.en-US.ass \ -sub_charenc 'UTF-8' -f ass -i \ -sub_charenc 'UTF-8' -f ass -i \ -sub_charenc 'UTF-8' -f ass -i input.ja.ass \ -map 0:v -map 0:a \ -map 1 -map 2 -map 3 -map 4 \ -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng \ -metadata:s:s:1 language=spa \ -metadata:s:s:2 language=ind \ -metadata:s:s:3 language=jpn \ -c copy \ -c:s ass output.mkv
Get audio duration in seconds as a decimal number.[18]
$ ffprobe -i "$file" -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0";
- Get audio duration in seconds of all
files in the working directory with bc.
#!/bin/bash dur="0.0"; while read -r line; do line_dur="$(ffprobe -i "$line" -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0")"; dur="$(echo "$dur + $line_dur" | bc -l)"; done < <(find . -type f -name "*.flac"); echo "$dur";
$ ffprobe -i "$file" -print_format json -show_chapters -sexagesimal
Outputs newline-delimited (default) list of paths of files or directories matching specified filters.
List all files and directories in the /path/to/dir
directory recursively.
$ find /path/to/dir
List all files in working directory recursively
$ find . -type f
List all directories in working directory recursively
$ find . -type d
Search $HOME
for files ending in .jpg
or .JPG
$ find $HOME/ -type f -iname "*.jpg"
Get file sizes, via du, of all files in the working directory recursively
$ find . -type f -exec du -b '{}' \;
List all files and directories within the working directory.
$ find . -maxdepth 1
List all files and directories precisely 4 subdirectories deep
$ find . -mindepth 4 -maxdepth 4
List all files in the working directory recursively, following symlinks up to a maximum depth of 10 subdirectories deep
$ find -L . -maxdepth 10 -type f
List all files and directories in the working directory starting with a .
(i.e. list all dotfiles and dotdirs)
$ find . -name ".*"
List all files and directories in the working directory starting with a .
$ find . ! -name ".*"
List all files in the working directory recursively except those ending in either .ots
or .ots.bak
$ find . -type f ! \( -name "*.ots" -or -name "*.ots.bak" \)
Find files in the working directory of a minimum size. (e.g. greater than but not equal to 1 MiB)
$ find . -type f -size +$((1024 * 1024))c # calc MiB $ find . -type f -size +$((1024 ** 2))c # calc MiB $ find . -type f -size +1048576c # use bytes $ find . -type f -size +1M # do not use due to rounding issues
Find files in the working directory of a maximum size. (e.g. less than but not equal to 1 MiB)
$ find /path/to/dir -type f -size -1048576c # use -1048576c instead of -1M due to rounding issues
Find files in /path/to/dir
older than a certain date (e.g. 2024-01-01
$ find /path/to/search -not -newermt 2024-01-01
List files sorted by modification date
$ find /path/to/directory -type f -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2-
List all .json
files in /path/to/dir
that lack an accompanying .txt
file. (e.g. show file.json
if file.txt
does not exist.
$ while read -r line; do if [[ ! -f "${line%.json}.txt" ]]; then declare -p line; fi; done < <(find /path/to/dir -type f -name "*.json");
Available in Debian build-essential
The GNU C Compiler
Compile C-code specified in the command line.[20]
$ gcc -x c <(echo 'int main(){return 0;}') $ echo 'int main(){return 0;}' | gcc -x c - $ gcc -x c -o hello <(echo -e "#include <stdio.h>\n main()\n{\nprintf(\"hello, \");\nprintf(\"world\");\nprintf(\"\\\n\");\n}")
See recent checkout, commit, or other operations by commit reference. (e.g. to find a commit lost because it was on a detached HEAD).
$ git reflog
To automatically sign merges (not default).
$ git config merge.gpgsign true $ git -c merge.gpgsign='true' pull
See remotes.
$ git remote -v
Rename a remote. (ref)
$ git remote rename beanstalk origin
Export a git bundle (repository backup)
$ git bundle create filename.bundle --all
Trace git operations (especially those involving gpg
signing operations). (ref)
$ GIT_TRACE=1 git commit
Get current commit, short git log entry, and ISO-8601 date
$ git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h %s %cd" --date=iso $ git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h %s %cd" --date=format:"%Y-%m-%d" #shorter date
Delete a local branch named `develop` (assuming `develop` is not checked out).
$ git branch -d develop
Untrack but don't remove committed file. (Ref/attrib; useful if you tracked something that shouldn't be tracked like repo.git/config
$ git rm --cached path/to/committed/file
Pull branch develop
from remote origin
to unchecked out local branch develop
without altering working tree (useful if worktree files are being used by something else).
$ git pull origin develop:develop
Set single configuration parameters for the duration of a single command.
$ git -c log.showSignature='false' log
- Commit and/or tag with
ots --wait
$ pathOtsWait="/home/debuser/.local/share/ots/"; $ git -c gpg.program="$pathOtsWait" commit -S $ git -c gpg.program="$pathOtsWait" tag --sign "some_tag_name" main
Set a remote branch `origin/develop` as the upstream branch for a local branch named `develop`.[21]
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/develop develop
Get current commit, short git log entry, and ISO-8601 date
$ git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h %s %cd" --date=iso $ git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h %s %cd" --date=format:"%Y-%m-%d" #shorter date
Delete a local branch named `develop` (assuming `develop` is not checked out).
$ git branch -d develop
Untrack but don't remove committed file. (Ref/attrib; useful if you tracked something that shouldn't be tracked like repo.git/config
$ git rm --cached path/to/committed/file
Pull branch develop
from remote origin
to unchecked out local branch develop
without altering working tree (useful if worktree files are being used by something else).
$ git pull origin develop:develop
Set a remote branch `origin/develop` as the upstream branch for a local branch named `develop`.[21]
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/develop develop
Disable git credential helper for a single command.[22]
$ git -c credential.helper= pull origin refs/heads/master
See also GnuPG
Verify a file named SHA256SUMS
against detached signature file SHA256SUMS.gpg
$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
Use a temporary keyring
$ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /dev/shm/temp-keyring.kbx
Refresh keys
$ gpg --keyserver --receive-keys deadbeef deadbeef $ gpg --keyserver --receive-keys deadbeef deadbeef
Verify a file (e.g. SHA256SUMS
) against a detached signature (e.g. SHA256SUMS.gpg
$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
Search for a process named “bash
” with ps aux
and grep bash
but exclude matches of “grep bash
" itself.
$ ps aux | grep "bas[h]"
Ignore binary matches with -I
$ grep "a" largeProgram.exe && echo "Match found." || echo "No match found." grep: get_put_char: binary file matches Match found. $ grep -I "a" largeProgram.exe && echo "Match found." || echo "No match found." No match found.
Use find with parallel to recursively search a file tree for text matches.
$ find . -type f -name "*.tsv" | parallel grep -iHIC3 --color=always -e 'mexico' '{}'
-name "*.tsv"
: Search only files with names ending in.tsv
: Ignore character capitalization.-H
: Print name of file containing match.-C3
: Show 3 lines before and after match.-I
: Do not search binary files.-e 'mexico'
: Search for lines containing the stringmexico
: Filename word placeholder for parallel.
See also Ghostscript.
Remove raster images from a PDF.[23]
$ gs -o noimages.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFILTERIMAGE input.pdf
Regular Expressions
Show lines that match pattern.
$ grep 'some pattern' -- file.txt
Show lines that don't match pattern.
$ grep -v 'some pattern' -- file.txt
Match integers of a range of numbers of digits (e.g. 2 to 3)
$ myVar="$(printf "S2 E3\nS57 E11\nS131 E51\nS7212 E3\n")" $ echo "$myVar" S2 E3 S57 E11 S131 E51 S7212 E3 $ echo "$myVar" | grep -E "S[0-9]{2,3} " S57 E11 S131 E51
Match http URLs in a text file (see ref)
$ cat input.txt | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" | sort -u
See #gzip.
Transform a sql.gz
archive into a sql.xz
$ gunzip -c archivo.sql.gz | xz -z - > archivo.sql.xz
Show data traffic (i.e. bandwidth usage) on network interface eth0
. Note: consider using in tandem with nethogs.
$ sudo iftop -i eth0
Show disk write rates for a given process by PID.
$ iotop -p PID
List accumulative (-a
) disk read/write rates for all tar
and xz
processes via process PIDs (-p
), updating every 10 seconds (-d10
$ sudo iotop -ad10 $(pgrep "tar|xz" | xargs -I "{}" echo -n "-p {} ")
Show available network interfaces.
$ ip link show
Convert a PNG file into a JPEG at 90% quality.
$ convert input.png -quality 90 output.jpg
Convert a GIF into a set of frames (Note: May fail with some optimized GIF formats)
$ convert Year_2038_problem.gif output%02d.gif
List duplicates in DIR greater than or equal to 100MB.
$ jdupes -X size+=:100MB DIR -r
List duplicates within DIR1 (not following subdirectories) and within DIR2 (following subdirectories)
$ jdupes -X size+=:100MB DIR1 -R DIR2
List duplicates within DIR1, DIR2, and DIR3 recursively, listing duplicates of DIR1 first
$ jdupes -r -O DIR1 DIR2 DIR3
Show previous 1 hour of logs:
$ journalctl --utc --all --output=short-iso --since=-1h
Show logs since 2023-01-10T09:15
and before 2023-01-10T13:00
$ journalctl --utc --all --output=short-iso --since=\"2023-01-10 09:15\" --until=\"2023-01-10 13:00\"
Display file as scrollable buffer.
$ less file.txt
Display file and display live updates.
$ less +F file.txt
Display file while truncating display of long lines.
$ less -S file.txt
Display file while interpreting ANSI color codes (e.g. $ jq -C '.' file.json | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS
$ sudo apt install locate
Note: assumes ls
from GNU Coreutils 8.32
List all files, sorted by ISO-8601-style date.
$ ls -alh --time-style=long-iso | sort -k6,7 -rw-rw-r-- 1 baltakatei baltakatei 88K 2005-08-19 19:18 file1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 baltakatei baltakatei 930K 2010-07-28 02:01 file2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 baltakatei baltakatei 2.4M 2016-05-18 14:52 file3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 baltakatei baltakatei 7.2K 2021-05-11 15:29 file4
Display all files opened by a process by a single PID.[24]
$ lsof -p PID
Display all files opened by a process by name (e.g. xz)[24]
$ while read -r line; do lsof -p "$line"; printf "\n"; done < <(pgrep xz)
$ mail # start mail & h$ # list latest messages[25] & 5 # read message 5 & d 1 # delete message 1 & q # quit mail
Send mail to self:
$ mail -s "I'm in your base" -- "$(whoami)" < <(printf "Killing your dudes.\n")
Delete all mail[26]:
$ mail -N & d * & quit
See GNU Make
Compile source code according to a file named Makefile
$ make
Note, even with GNU make, column 1 indentations REQUIRE a tab (i.e. `\t`), not a space (`\s`).[27]
Compile multiple source code files with a single `make all` command.[28] `Makefile` contents:
all: program1 program2 program1: program1.c gcc -o program1 program1.c program2: program2.c gcc -o program2 program2.c
Software RAID manager.
Check status of RAID device /dev/md0
$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Check status of all RAID devices.[29]
$ sudo cat /proc/mdstat
Get file mimetype
$ cat file.jpg | mimetype --stdin
Use newline-delimited stdin list of file paths as playlist.
$ find ~/Music/ -type f | mpv --playlist=-
Enable shuffle
$ mpv --shuffle
Settings for fast playback (e.g. 2x)[cmt 2]
$ mpv --af=scaletempo=stride=15:overlap=1:search=15'
Play video with subtitle file
$ mpv --embed-subs="$filepath" video.mp4
Show system information without art
$ neofetch --off
Show data traffic (i.e. bandwidth usage) by process on network interface eth0
$ sudo nethogs eth0
- Toggle between data rates and total data amounts with `m`.
Note (Debian): Installed via the libnotify-bin package.
Create a system notification:
$ notify-send "title" "body"
A window manager for LxQt and Lubuntu.
Reload configuration files.[cmt 3][30]
$ openbox --reconfigure
Use OpenTimestamps (website) to timestamp files against the Bitcoin blockchain. Program by Peter Todd, a Bitcoin Core developer.
Install Opentimestamps on Ubuntu 24 via pipx.[cmt 4] Provides the ots
$ sudo apt install pipx $ pipx install opentimestamps-client
Timestamp file.txt
. Creates timestamp file file.txt.ots
$ ots s file.txt $ ots stamp file.txt
Upgrade a timestamp file. Creates a backup file (file.txt.ots.bak
) if necessary.
$ ots upgrade file.txt.ots $ ots u file.txt.ots
Verify a timestamp file.
$ ots verify file.txt.ots $ ots v file.txt.ots
Verify a specific file against a specific timestamp file.
$ ots v -f file.txt file.txt.ots
Convert markdown text file into mediawiki code.[31]
$ pandoc -f markdown -t mediawiki -o output.wc input.txt
Create parity files of archive.tar.xz
with default settings.
$ par2 create archive.tar.xz.par2 archive.tar.xz
See GNU parallel
Duplicate a set of directories (non-recursively) (e.g. home sub-directories). Metadata not copied.
$ find "$HOME" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | parallel mkdir "$HOME/{}"
Hash every file in the home directory.
$ find "$HOME" -type f | parallel --jobs="" sha256sum '{}' # use all CPUs $ find "$HOME" -type f | parallel --jobs="25%" sha256sum '{}' # use at most 25% of CPU cores $ find "$HOME" -type f | parallel sha256sum '{}' #
Run a thread for every item in an array.
$ myArray=("jan"); myArray=("feb"); myArray=("mar"); $ declare -p myArray declare -a myArray=([0]="jan" [1]="feb" [2]="mar") $ parallel echo '{}' ::: "${myArray[@]}" jan feb mar
Supply different arguments for each job with an `--arg-file`.
$ printf "foo\tbee\n" >> args.txt; $ printf "bar\tboo\n" >> args.txt; $ printf "baz\ttax\n" >> args.txt; $ parallel --col-sep '\t' --arg-file args.txt echo '{2}' '{1}'; bee foo boo bar tax baz
Avoid OOM by suspending jobs on low memory via --memsuspend 512M
(e.g. 512 mebibytes), which suspends job if less than 2 * 512 = 1024
mebibytes memory free. If only one job remains, it will not suspend.
$ seq 1 10 | parallel --memsuspend 512M echo '{}';
Show process PIDs and full commands.
$ ps -eo pid,args
$ sudo apt install pdftk-java
Combine PDFs
$ pdftk doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf cat output output.pdf
Extract page range from a PDF. (e.g. extract first 13 pages)
$ pdftk input.pdf cat 1-13 output output.pdf
$ sudo apt install poppler-utils
Convert PDF to text. (Note: If text is rasterized, use tesseract instead).
$ pdftotext output.pdf output.txt
Exit early if a specific process (e.g. yt-dlp
) is already running.
$ if pgrep "yt-dlp" 1>/dev/random 2>&1; then exit 1; fi;
GNU Coreutils
Round a float to nearest integer[33]:
$ myVar="14.28571"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar"; 14 $ myVar="14.28571"; printf "%.2f\n" "$myVar" 14.29 $ myVar="14.28571"; printf "%.1f\n" "$myVar" 14.3 $ myVar="-14.28571"; printf "%.2f\n" "$myVar" -14.29 $ myVar="28.57142"; printf "%.2f\n" "$myVar" 28.57 $ myVar="28.57142"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar" 29
- Note, GNU Coreutils printf uses “round to even” (i.e. “Bankerʼs rounding”) for cases when 5 must be rounded.[34]
$ myVar="5.5"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar" 6 $ myVar="6.5"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar" 6 $ myVar="7.5"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar" 8 $ myVar="8.5"; printf "%.0f\n" "$myVar" 8
Print integer with leading zeroes. (see ref)
$ n=7; printf "%05d\n" "$n"; 00007
Print a bash array (see ref)
$ declare -a my_array; my_array+=("jan"); my_array+=("feb"); $ printf '%s\n' "${my_array[@]}"; jan feb
Print a progress bar
#!/bin/bash total_iterations=100 current_iteration=0 while [ $current_iteration -lt $total_iterations ]; do # Your actual loop content goes here sleep 0.1 # This is just an example, replace with your actual task # Calculate progress percentage progress_percentage=$(( 100 * current_iteration / total_iterations )) # Print progress percentage without causing scrolling printf "\rProgress: %3d%%" $progress_percentage # Increment the iteration counter current_iteration=$(( current_iteration + 1 )) done # Print a newline character to move to the next line after the loop is done echo
C stdio.h
Print an int as a hexadecimal
int a=17; printf("%x\n",a);
Print an int as a binary (glibc >2.35
, check via $ ldd --version
#include <stdio.h> int main() int a=1023; printf("%b\n",a); return 0;
- When compiled with
(previous versions throw errors) and glibc >2.35, this prints:
Get a counted list of unique file extensions in the current working directory.
$ find ./ -type f | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f1 | rev | sort | uniq -c | sort -hk1;
- An explanation:
$ find ./ -type f | \ # Get a list of files in current working directory. rev | \ # Reverse order of characters within each line. cut -d'/' -f1 | \ # Get file name. cut -d'.' -f1 | \ # Cut all characters except for those before the final `.` in the filename. rev | \ # Restore order of characters within each line. sort | \ # Sort for uniq. uniq -c | \ # Count and remove duplicates. sort -hk1; # Sort by extension count field of each line.
Note: These commands assume use of rsync version 3.2.7 protocol version 31
, which is available on Debian version 11
Exclude all dotfiles or dotdirectories at any directory level.
$ echo ".*/**" >> exclude.txt $ rsync -avu --exclude-from=exclude.txt somepath/SOURCE/ anotherpath/DEST/
Copy all files contained within a directory named SOURCE
located within somepath
into a directory named DEST
within anotherpath
, preserving file attributes (e.g. user:group, read/write/execute permissions), and overwriting existing files within DEST
if they differ in modification date and/or size from those of SOURCE
. The forward slashes after SOURCE
and DEST
are significant; omitting them may cause the creation of a new directory layer instead of synchronizing the file trees of SOURCE
and DEST
$ rsync -avu somepath/SOURCE/ anotherpath/DEST/
Make the contents of DEST
exactly match that of SOURCE
, overwriting and deleting files as required in DEST
via the --delete-before
command, performing all deletions before file copying begins. This is useful for updating a backup of SOURCE
$ rsync -avu --delete-before somepath/SOURCE/ anotherpath/somedir/DEST/
Copy files from a local SOURCE
to a DEST
in a remote user's home directory (e.g. /home/username/DEST/
) via the ssh command.
$ rsync -avu -e 'ssh' somepath/SOURCE/ username@hostname:DEST/
Copy files only files containing _small
in their filenames from a SOURCE
. This preserves the directory tree of SOURCE
$ rsync -avu --progress --include '*/' --include '*_small*' --exclude '*' somepath/SOURCE/ somepath/DEST/
- Exclude
files larger than 100 000 000 bytes.
- Exclude
$ rsync -avu --progress --include '*/' --include '*_small*' --exclude '*' --max-size=100MB --remove-source-files somepath/SOURCE/ somepath/DEST/
- Move (i.e. extract) only the files containing
in their file names, deleting them fromSOURCE
if successfully copied toDEST
$ rsync -avu --progress --include '*/' --include '*_small*' --exclude '*' --remove-source-files somepath/SOURCE/ somepath/DEST/
Recreate full path at destination.[35]
$ rsync -avu -R somepath/SOURCE/ anotherpath/DEST/ $ ls anotherpath/DEST/somepath/SOURCE/
Replace first instance of a string.
$ echo "foo foo" | sed 's/oo/ee/' fee foo
Replace all instances of a string.
$ echo "foo foo" | sed 's/oo/ee/g' fee fee
Replace all instances of a string in a file (CAUTION: modifies the file):
$ printf "foo\n" > bar.txt $ cat bar.txt foo $ sed -i 's/oo/ee/g' bar.txt $ cat bar.txt fee
Append something to the start of each line (ref):
$ printf "bar\nbaz\n" | sed 's/^/foo/' foobar foobaz $ printf "bar\nbaz\n" | sed 's~^~foo~' # use ~ instead of / as regex delimiter foobar foobaz
Delete blank lines. (see ref)
$ printf "foo\n\nbar\n" foo bar $ printf "foo\n\nbar\n" | sed '/^$/d' foo bar
Remove an initial `./` from the start of file lists produced by `find` whether newlines or NULL chars are used as list delimiters. Example: sumdir v0.1.2
$ sed -E 's/(^|\x00)\.\//\1/g'
Print specific lines of a file. (i.e. get a specific line from a file)
$ some_command | sed -n '2p' # prints line 2 of standard input $ sed -n '2p' file.txt # prints line 2[36] $ sed -n '2q;d' big_file.txt # prints line of a very large file.[37] $ sed -n '2p;' $ sed -n '2,5p' file.txt # prints lines 2 through 5 inclusive. $ sed -n '2;5;' file.txt # prints only lines 2 and 5.
Substitute special characters
$ echo "2 * 5 = 8" | sed -E -e 's/*/x/' # doesn't work because asterisk is special regex sed: -e expression #1, char 6: Invalid preceding regular expression $ echo "2 * 5 = 10" | sed -E -e 's/\*/x/' # works
Connect to a local machine's Syncthing instance via firefox.
$ firefox
Connect to a remote server's Syncthing instance via ssh port forwarding and firefox.
$ ssh -L user@hostname $ firefox
Get a host's SSH fingerprint[38]
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/
Configure gnupg, ssh, and smartcard on macOS
Install necessary homebrew packages
% brew update && brew upgrade; % brew install gnupg pinentry-mac
$ gpg -K
should have a line like this with [A]
ssb> rsa4096/0x5F9D26B9A598A2D3 2018-05-16 [A] [expires: 2026-07-07]
Configure GnuPG to use pinentry-mac
% which pinentry; /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac; % which pinentry-mac >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf;
Configure GnuPG to be able to talk to ssh by:
- Adding these lines to
default-cache-ttl 300 max-cache-ttl 999999 enable-ssh-support
export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)";
Export the ssh public key from your OpenPGP key via GnuPG:
- Get public key line to add to remote machine
$ gpg --export-ssh-key YOUR_KEY_ID > my_gpg_ssh_pubkey.txt
- This should look like:
$ cat my_gpg_ssh_pubkey.txt $ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA… user@host
- Add ssh pubkey to remote machine by
- running this command remotely (via a preëxisting ssh session or by visiting the remote machine physically)
remote$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA… user@host" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- or by running this comand locally:
$ gpg --export-ssh-key YOUR_KEY_ID | ssh user@remote 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Restart gnupg to apply configuration changes:
$ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent; $ gpgconf --launch gpg-agent;
$ ssh user@remote
- If you never have to use the server's password for the
user, then you succeeded.
Sort du
results on human-readable file size of current working directory (non-recursively).
$ du -hd1 ./ | sort -hk1
Sort part of a checksum file while ignoring some initial lines (e.g. a checksum file generated by sumdir
). Sorts every line except for the first three lines which it leaves at the top; the output is written to /tmp/0.txt
. Uses the -k2
(i.e. "key 2") option of sort
which says to sort by the file name, not the hash (hash is first whitespace-separated entry, file name is the second).
file=.SUMSHA256--20230126T050458+0000; ( cat "$file" | head -n3; cat "$file" | tail -n+4 | sort -k2; ) > /tmp/0.txt
Sort on the third field of comma-delimited lines
$ printf "1,foo,kobo\n2,bar,kaela\n3,baz,zeta\n" | sort -t',' -k3 2,bar,kaela 1,foo,kobo 3,baz,zeta
Remove duplicate lines without sorted result (preserving first copied unique line). (see ref)
$ myVar="$( printf "gundam\ninuyasha\ngundam\nbleach\ngundam\nnaruto\ngundam\n" )" $ echo "$myVar" | cat -n | sort -uk2 | sort -n | cut -f2- gundam inuyasha bleach naruto
- Preserving last unique copied line.
echo "$myVar" | tac | cat -n | sort -uk2 | sort -n | cut -f2- | tac inuyasha bleach naruto gundam
A GNU Coreutils program that controls how stdin, stdout, and error data is passed in and out of a program.
Read input from stdin and pass through output to stdout without any buffering.[39]
$ stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 command
- Example: Continuously filtering journalctl output to capture
lines while discarding the first 7 space-delimited fields of each line. If stdbuf is not used in this type of scenario, tr and cut may fail to immediately display important lines as they arrive from journalctl, choosing to wait until a buffer is filled before displaying them (defeating the purpose of the--follow
option of journalctl).
#!/bin/bash journalctl --all --output=short-iso --since=-7d --follow |\ grep --line-buffered -Eiv " 404 " |\ grep --line-buffered "apache-access" |\ stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tr -s ' ' |\ stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 cut -d' ' -f8- -
Read stderr of a backgrounded and disowned process with process ID pid
$ strace -p "$pid" -e trace=write
Open a shell as root.
alice@host: sudo su - root@host: whoami root
Open a bash
shell as another user, e.g. www-data
alice@host: whoami alice alice@host: sudo su - www-data -s /bin/bash [sudo] password for alice: www-data@host: whoami www-data
A script by Christopher Lovejoy (used with checkdir
). Source at GitHub.
Create checksum of files in working directory recursively, excluding files with names: ending in .asc
or .ots
and files starting with .SUM
. Resulting file has pattern: .SUM${digest_name}
(e.g. .SUMB2--20230128T013153+0000
$ sumdir -a sha256 -r -x "*.asc" -x "*.ots" -x ".SUM*" $ sumdir -a b2 -r -x "*.asc" -x "*.ots" -x ".SUM*"
Possibly Ubuntu-specific
Temporarily all swap file entries in /etc/fstab
.[cmt 6]
$ sudo swapoff -a
Extract a compressed archive (e.g. .tar.xz
) in the current working directory.
$ tar -xf archive.tar.xz
- Extract to a different directory
. (The positioning of-C
is important.)
$ tar -xf archive.tar.xz -C some/path/
Echo stdout to stderr (ref):
$ echo "This is standard error" | tee /dev/stderr | sed 's/error/out/g' This is standard error This is standard out
$ sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
View process, sorted by CPU usage
$ top
- Arrow keys & page up/down: Navigate through the displayed list in the Task area.
: Finish the top with theq
: Sort the processes by CPU usage.S-m
: Sort the processes by memory (%MEM) usage.S-t
: Sort the processes by running-time.S-n>
: Sort the processes by process ID.t
: Changes the display of the CPU usage in the summary section.m
: Changes the display of memory usage in the summary section.S-r
: Sort the processes in ascending order instead of descending (default).c
: By pressingc
, the 'Command' column shows the entire path from which the processes were started.S-v
: Shows the parent / child process hierarchy.k
: Prompts for a process ID and closes the specified process. By default, SIGTERM is used for a graceful shutdown of the process. For a forced shutdown, you use SIGKILL.
Remove unwanted character sets
Keep only printable characters and spaces from a string.
/bin/bash name="message:おはよう ございます."; name_new="$( printf "%s" "$name" | tr -dc '[:graph:][:space:]' )"; printf "%s\n" "$name"; printf "%s\n" "$name_new";
- This results in:
message:おはよう ございます. message:.
tree (command)
Recursively list contents of current working directory.
$ tree
- List contents without colorized text.
$ tree | ansi2txt
Install on a Debian system via apt.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install unar
Decompress a rar archive.
$ unar archive.rar
For .rar
files, see #unar.
Unzip to directory foo
$ mkdir foo $ unzip -d foo
Unzip archives containing file names encoded in non-English encodings:
$ unzip -O shift-jis
- Simplified Chinese characters encoding.
$ unzip -O gb18030 # GB 18030 is a superset of GBK. Try this first. $ unzip -O gbk # GBK an extension of GB 2312. $ unzip -O gb2312 # GB 2312 deprecated in 2017
- Big5 Traditional Chinese characters encoding.
$ unzip -O big5
Mount a volume.
$ veracrypt volume.hc
Unmount all volumes.
$ veracrypt -d
- If you get an error message resembling
Error: umount: /media/veracrypt1: target is busy
, then identify the offending process with lsof[42]:
$ lsof | grep '/media/veracrypt1'
Unmount a specific volume.
$ veracrypt -d volume.hc
Create a volume.
$ veracrypt -t -c
Word count. Part of GNU Coreutils 8.32.
Count bytes in a file named foo.txt
$ wc -c foo.txt 20087
Count the bytes in the file name foo.txt
(with an off-by-one error due to Bash adding a trailing newline character).
$ wc -c <<< "foo.txt" 8
Count the bytes in the file name foo.txt
$ filename="foo.txt"; printf "%s" "$filename" | wc -c 7
Limit bandwidth of network interface eth0
[43] to 5000kbps download and 1000kbps upload.
$ wondershaper eth0 5000 1000
Clear wondershaper limits.
$ wondershaper clear
For all options, see yt-dlp GitHub page here.
See example wrapper script here (bkytpldl-generic
Delay between downloads
$ yt-dlp --sleep-requests 2
Remember downloaded videos to avoid redownload attempts.
$ yt-dlp --download-archive some/path/history.txt "$URL"
Randomize order in which playlist items are downloaded.
$ yt-dlp --playlist-random "$URL"
Handle File name too long
error by limiting long fields by byte count.[44]
$ yt-dlp -o '%(title).140B.%(ext)s' '<url>' # limits title to 140 bytes $ yt-dlp -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' '<url>' # may fail if title too long
Download lowest quality.[45]
$ yt-dlp -S '+size,+br'
Write automatic subtitles of a YouTube video to a .vtt
$ yt-dlp --write-subs --write-auto-subs
- Parse such a
file in order to extract the text (reading every 8th line with an offset)
clear; offset=1; cycle=8; n=0; { while read -r line; do if [[ ! $((n % cycle)) -eq "$offset" ]]; then ((n++)); continue; fi; printf "%s\n" "$line"; ((n++)); done < Unicode\ and\ Byte\ Order\ \[bbkUn0o3L1Y\].en.vtt; echo "STATUS:Done." 1>&2; } | grep -v "^$";
Convert several lines of stdin into words. This may be useful if a command needs to perform an operation on all items in a long newline-delimited list as argument parameters instead of standard input. The following expressions are equivalent calls of ls to list the files foo
, bar
, and baz
$ printf "foo\nbar\nbaz\n" | xargs -d '\n' ls -alh; $ ls -alh foo bar baz;
- Note:
-d '\n'
requires that only newlines are used to separate (i.e. delimit) arguments. The-d
option is necessary in newline-delimited lists becausexargs
will split lines on whitespace characters such as the space character. For example,printf "1 qux\n2 quux\n3 corge\n" | xargs -d '\n' ls -alh;
will not applyls -alh
to the three files1 qux
,2 quux
, and3 corge
, but instead will erroneously use six other files1
, andcorge
See also
External links
- ↑ pavan. (2022-09-22). “Setting /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to clear cache”. Accessed 2024-09-11.
- ↑
- ↑ Corrado Topi. (2018-11-26). “How to list dependent packages (reverse dependencies)?”. Accessed 2023-07-04.
- ↑
- ↑ Baltakatei: 2024-01-12: Note,
may be replaced withsha256
to get a SHA-256 digest. - ↑ alex (2010-11-01). “How can I get a base64 encoded shaX on the cli?”. Accessed 2024-01-11.
- ↑ See .
- ↑ Mendel Cooper. (2014-03-10). “Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: 10. Manipulating Strings”. Accessed 2024-02-12.
- ↑ u1686_grawity. (2012-09-06). “How do I create a 1GB random file in Linux?”. Accessed 2023-07-01.
- ↑ Gite, Vivek. (2023-03-11). “How To Find My Public IP Address From Linux CLI”. Accessed 2023-05-08.
- ↑ Alan Clifford. (2016-12-18). “Writing to the EXIF:Orientation Tag”. Accessed 2024-07-13.
- ↑ “f3 - test real flash memory capacity”. (2023). Accessed 2024-11-10.
- ↑ “FFmpeg and VP9 Encoding Guide”. (2024-01). Accessed 2024-05-23.
- ↑ “BashFAQ/089 I'm reading a file line by line and running ssh or ffmpeg, only the first line gets processed!”. (2022-10-30). Accessed 2023-07-29. Archived from the original on 2023-07-23.
- ↑ roaima. (2022-09-22). “Bash variable truncated when passed into ffmpeg”. Accessed 2023-07-29. Archived from the original on 2023-07-29.
- ↑ “11.259 tmedian”. (n.d.). Accessed 2024-09-04.
- ↑ Baltakatei: 2024-03-01: See ffmpegʼs
option. Order is important. - ↑ louise. (2011-06-04). “How to extract duration time from ffmpeg output?”. Accessed 2024-02-10.
- ↑ Nemo. (2019-04-25). “Using ffmpeg to split an Audible audio-book into chapters?”. Accessed 2024-01-20.
- ↑ Celada. (2014-10-24). “Why does BASH process substitution not work with some commands?”. Accessed 2023-07-14.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 “git-branch - List, create, or delete branches”. (2019-08-16). Accessed 2023-04-20.
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- ↑ Baltakatei: See
- ↑ Baltakatei: 2024-12-11: Apparently this package used to be part of GNU
. - ↑ Baltakatei: 2024-08-11: This option may cause issues with playback of some FLAC files.
- ↑ Baltakatei: 2024-08-21: Such as those kept at
. - ↑ Baltakatei: 2025-01-18: pipx recommended to install ots due to PEP 668 (link mandating partitioning operating system environment from user-space.
- ↑ Baltakatei: 2025-01-26: As of 2025,
$ sudo apt install pdftk
no longer works, likely due to licensing issues with PDF Labs (web) - ↑ Baltakatei: 2025-01-21: Generally, to permanently disable swap, comment out the relevant swap lines in