Wacom notes

From Reboil

Some notes for Wacom devices.



List wacom devices.

$ xsetwacom --list devices
Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch 	id: 25	type: TOUCH     
Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus   	id: 26	type: STYLUS    
Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser   	id: 27	type: ERASER    
Wacom Intuos Pro M Pad pad      	id: 28	type: PAD

Set devices to use a specific display.[fn 1]

$ display="HEAD-1"
$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" MapToOutput "$display";
$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus"   MapToOutput "$display";
$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser"   MapToOutput "$display";
$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pad pad"      MapToOutput "$display";

Configure Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH-660) buttons.[1][2]

## Configure Wacom Intuos Pro Pad pad
dev="Wacom Intuos Pro M Pad pad";

### top four buttons (assume power button on left)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 1 "key +ctrl key z"; # Ctrl-z  (i.e. undo)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 2 "key +ctrl key x"; # Ctrl-x  (i.e. cut)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 3 "key +ctrl key c"; # Ctrl-c  (i.e. copy)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 8 "key +ctrl key v"; # Ctrl-v  (i.e. paste)

### scroll wheel center button
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 13 "key Esc";  # Esc (i.e. nothing)

### bottom four buttons
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 9 "key Esc";   # Esc (i.e. nothing)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 10 "key Esc";  # Esc (i.e. nothing)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 11 "key Esc";  # Esc (i.e. nothing)
xsetwacom --set "$dev" Button 12 "key Esc";  # Esc (i.e. nothing)


Cintiq 16
A 16-inch display tablet with a textured plastic surface.
Cintiq 16 Pro
A 16-inch display tablet with a textured glass surface.
One 12
A 11.6-inch display tablet designed to cost less. Has only two USB-C ports.


See also

External links



  1. Note: Get dipslay name via xrandr --listactivemonitors if you are using x11 (check via echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE). If using Nvidia drivers, then instead use HEAD-0, HEAD-1.
