Donald Trump

From Reboil

The 44th President of the United States.



Has committed various crimes.

  • treason (knowingly and willingly sending an armed mob to sack the Capitol on 2021-01-06 in order to delay or prevent the counting of electoral votes necessary to put Joe Biden into office)
  • violations of the emoluments clause (taking foreign diplomat money at his private resort Mar-a-Lago in order to pay for access to his time as President)
  • witness tampering (calling Jan 6th witnesses testifying at the committee meetings)
  • election tampering (calling the Georgia State governor Brian Kemp and pressured Georgia Secretary of State Trump–Raffensperger phone call on 2021-01-02 to adjust vote counts in order to overturn election results and convince the public that Trump actually won Georgia.
  • illegal possession of national security documents, including those related to nuclear weapons and intelligence agent identities. (nytimes ref)


See also

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